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Investing in Self-Storage with a Song with Corinn Altomare

Weiss Advice Podcast

Listen Now: Ep. 172 – Investing in Self-Storage with a Song with Corinn Altomare

Corinn Altomare is a musician turned real estate investor.  She has spent 13 years in music, 5 years in IT project management, 9 years in multifamily real estate, and 2 years in self-storage.  With investment and rental property management running in the family, she has been involved in real estate and law since childhood. Corinn’s experience also spans technology project management, including multi-million dollar projects for the financial system. Her expertise in being able to target a property with potential and turn this vision into a great place to live is a major part of what separates Hearthfire Holdings from other firms.

“Using storage as a warehouse or distribution center is much more cost-effective per square foot than to have a commercial office space on 123 Mainstreet.” – Corinn Altomare